What is RAM and how much do I need?

What is RAM and how much serve I need?

Different RAM next to a motherboard
(Image credit: Shutterstock)

What is RAM? In simpler footing, information technology's your device's short term memory, which temporarily stores all the data that the processor needs hurried access to when acting tasks. Short for read/write memory and also titled your gimmick's storage, RAM fundamentally acts as the intermediate-man between your device's Processor - or mainframe - and the data stored on its hard drive.

When you access that data, whether you'Ra running a program or accessing a file, the RAM is there to serve it up to the CPU. And, it is a core part of computers, games consoles, smartphones, servers and just about whatsoever while of computerised tech.

If you're sporty Here to answer the interview "how much RAM make out I need?," you could represent loss about it wrong. Choosing the ideal RAM for your twist, whether it's a gaming PC that's expected to run more qualifier tasks or a laptop for undiversified productivity tasks, is a shade more complex than that. Especially because there's a whole lot more to know about RAM, including the different generations of DDR.

But, that's what we're here for. To help you better understand entirely this memory stuff, we've covered whol the Drive in fundamental principle here, including helping you work exactly how much RAM you need.

RAM explained

Let's go into a little more detail on what RAM in reality is. All your documents, videos, games and programs are stored happening your problematical drive or SSD - the 'long-term' computer memory of your computer where things permanently reside until you delete them.

When you available a program or kicking your computer, the data temporarily goes from your disc drive to your Random memory, which then holds the information come out for your CPU (or C.P.U.) to litigate. The processed data then returns to the RAM, where information technology stays until you snug the program or your Microcomputer.

RAM is a temporary and 'volatile' storage location for your data equally and when you need it, equal a workbench for your PC. The more RAM you have, the large that work bench. When you shut your Microcomputer down, everything on the work bench gets cleared and packed away.

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

What we informally know as RAM is actually titled DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory). There are other kinds of RAM, such as VRAM which performs an equivalent function on graphics cards, but that's not our focus for today.

Theoretically, a calculator could actually footrace without Chock up, information technology would just hunt much slower because the CPU would have to read IT consecutive from the hard drive (plane a modern NVMe SSD has a far slower reaction time than DDR4 RAM). These years, however, the motherboard BIOS utilises the RAM likewise, which means that the operational arrangement North Korean won't start without it.

(Paradigm credit: TechRadar)

DDR and Absolute frequency

When buying Ram, the main features you'll see after the Aries the Ram size (8GB, 16GB and so on) are DDR and a frequency shown in MHz.

DDR stands for Reduplicate Information Rate, and has been the standard form of RAM for decades instantly. Most motherboards you'd buy today habit DDR4 Drive. If you have a slightly older motherboard with DDR3 RAM in it, then you'll need to rising slope your motherboard if you want DDR4 RAM.

DDR4 came proscribed in 2014, and is much neo and modern than DDR3, which first appeared in 2007. DDR4 RAM has a higher meanspirited frequency of 2133MHz (which is very high-terminate for DDR3), as well as a higher elevation bandwidth. DDR4 as wel runs at a get down voltage, which substance it better conserve battery life on devices like laptops and phones.

Performance-omniscient, it's the oftenness and bandwidth that makes more of a deviation than the actual DDR number, just beholding as DDR4 has more capacity for both, then you're generally fortunate buying that.

However, if you presently have, enounce, 16GB of DDR3 2133MHz RAM, IT testament run at more than the same speed as 16GB DDR 4 2133MHz RAM. You'll want to get higher frequency RAM to see any functioning difference, and symmetrical then it can be subtle.

Again, it's alive to think that if your RAM is DDR3 then you tush't just trade IT out for shiny untried DDR4 RAM, you'll need to get a DDR4-compatible motherboard. If, however, you're construction a new PC or upgrading to a more modern processor (which Crataegus oxycantha also ask a new motherboard), past information technology makes sense to get DDR4 RAM.

DDR5 RAM also now exists, delivery even bigger frequencies and under-the-hood improvements, but it isn't yet available commercially.

(Image credit: Corsair)

How more RAM do I need?

When DDR4 beginning appeared, in that respect was a good deal of upheaval about how it could technically own modules as big American Samoa 512GB. In world, unless you'atomic number 75 flying servers, you'Re not expiration to need more 16GB RAM in total, or 32GB at a push.

How much RAM you postulate largely depends on what your PC's day-after-day workload is wish. No games approximate to using that very much RAM, and 16GB should be to a higher degree enough. Even with the most demanding games, performance is likely to be very similar on 8GB Cram arsenic 32GB RAM if the CPU and GPU are identical.

If you work in tall-intensity video yield and operate with extremely large files and very demanding programs – let alone having a myriad of apps and web browser windows open straightaway, then you'd be wise to invest in 32GB RAM at the very least.

Most motherboards have four RAM slots, so when you buy up RAM you can spread it across cardinal to four slots. But is, say, 4 x 4GB RAM faster than 2 x 8GB?

For the virtually partially, no, but given that most modern motherboards only support dual-channel memory you're probably better off opting for using fair two slots. Actual performance benchmarks show real little difference between using cardinal and four RAM sticks if you're using the same capacity and frequency of RAM.

From a stability perspective, the less parts there are the little thither is to fail, and besides using just two RAM slots means you stool occupy the otherwise two in the ulterior (though you need to use precisely the same Wa across each slots).

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Robert Zak

Robert Zak is a freelance writer for Official Xbox Magazine, PC Gamer, TechRadar and more. He writes in print and digital publishing, specialising in video games. He has previous experience as editor in chief and writer for tech sites/publications including AndroidPIT and ComputerActive! Magazine.

What is RAM and how much do I need?

Source: https://www.techradar.com/news/what-is-ram

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